Possible downtime for AP and The Alliance forums

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Possible downtime for AP and The Alliance forums

Post by AP_Chrisax »

Hi all :)

Athen Paladins forums and the forums of The Alliance (that we host) might be inaccessible for a limited time, depending on your ISP while your ISP updates domains names data and depending how often they do it.

They will be back within hours if that happens. The very very worst would be 48h which is an hypothetical maximum.

To make it short, we have to reconfigure some things in our old setup of domains names servers (more than a dozen years) and DNS parameters to be sure that Gmail doesn't reject the emails we send automatically for accounts activation, as they made their screening criteria way stricter. (For those "who know", it's more complicated than just SPF and DKIM.)

We will start working on this Thursday August 1 evening UTC hopefully.
Chrisax MP 220, AL 30, LE Research 70
Founder and elected president of Athen Paladins and GoA
Member of the Clerical Staff of the Council of Truth
In AO since 2001
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